Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thought of the Day

"Repentance is the renewal of baptism. Repentance is a contract
with God for a second life. A penitent is a buyer of humility.
Repentance is constant distrust of bodily comfort. Repentance is
self-condemning reflection, and carefree self-care. Repentance is
the daughter of hope and the renunciation of despair. A penitent
is an undisgraced convict. Repentance is reconciliation with the
Lord by the practice of good deeds contrary to the sins.
Repentance is purification of conscience. Repentance is the
voluntary endurance of all afflictions. A penitent is the
inflicter of his own punishments. Repentance is a mighty
persecution of the stomach, and a striking of the soul into
vigorous awareness." St. John Climacus

"Now everybody hopes to be saved by a superficial faith, without the fruits of faith, without the baptism of trial and tribulation, without love or hope, and without truly Christian practice." -Conrad Grebel

Lord help me recall today the seriousness of your call.
Teach me repentance again,
Teach me how to think of others first again,
May this life not be mine, but wholly yours.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Success. The word is elusive. The word makes me lose sleep to be quite frank. When do you know something is godly and God-driven in my line of work? When is it not the best human logic and thought with human tags of "success" and when is it stamped with God's approval as "successful." It is more than a bit disturbing trying to pin down what should be deemed as successful when doing ministry. Is the American Christian church culture close to reality when it defines success? I hope so, that would make my sleepless nights needless, and the ungoing mental energies expended on this topic totally unnecessary. However, I fear this is not the case. I must resort to a critical eye on these matters. In our depravity we sometimes forget how far our minds have fallen. Popular definitions of success finding acceptance in the majority of people's minds I find having no home in mine. Therefore, I must scratch even the most compelling definitions of success and suspend posing an answer until more thought is developed.

Is success in the Christian life easy to come by, no. Then, why should I think success comes any easier in my ministry job? The simple answer is that I shouldn't. When the majority seeks to believe the best, I know that I am depraved and am anything but good. Sure, sure, people can say this and that about my "extremist" stance, but ultimately I think that all of our lives experientially attest that wickedness still has a comfy home inside each of our hearts. So am I successful at my ministry job and my Christian life? I think the answer can be ultimately found when I answer the question of "How well I pick up my cross daily and follow Christ." When my conscience can answer this question with peace and ease, then maybe I'll be more prone to see things in more rosy colored glasses.

What does a successful College Age Ministry look like? The criterion I choose to measure the success is inevitably bound to tamper and taint the results. But I need to know if I'm moving in the right direction, or if change is needed. What I do know is that I'm too prone to think ministry matters as successful far too often and let myself off the hook far too easily. Now, others may see me as otherwise, but I contest still that depravity has me letting myself off the hook of responsibility far too easily and far too often giving myself a congratulatory pat on the back when quite the contrary is warranted. If depravity still reigns inside humanity, then I'm still prone to pleasant thoughts and self-delusional successful thoughts. And if people are tempted to say that I'm deceived the other way, this being that I don't see success enough, then let my retort be, "then why is American Christianity still "American"!?!" In churches still it's all about "me" "consumerism" "individualism" oh hell, we even do our marketing and prey off my people's materialistic mindsets. It's the "frozen chosen" filling our pews here, and there's no sign of this label getting up and taking action. No, our church in American isn't successful, at best it's backwards, and at worst...bite my tongue, it's Satanic. All this to say, who in their right mind can look at American Christians and then look at the Bible and say we've got it more right than wrong. So I ask again, "Are we succeeding?"

Definitions and criteria of successful ministry meetings can be how was the "flow"/"organization" of the evening. Was it meeting's atmosphere "lively"/"vibrant." I suggest these and all other such criteria which follow these guidelines must be rejected. To turn a close ear to the Lord's heart I cannot let myself think that such words used to describe rock concerts also can be used to describe how successful a Christian large group meeting was.

Arrr, I'm not pirate, but I am frustrated. I am a fallen man without a map to God's heart. Or more exactly put, I have a map called the Bible, but I haven't ears to hear or eyes to read. I'm a sinner, not knowing the Holy Lord.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Book notes from, "A Divine Revelation of Hell" Part 3

Last installment of book notes. Hope you find them challenging and striking the need for continual repentance as I have found them.

“”My child,” said the Lord, “Satan uses many devices to destroy good men and women. He works day and night, trying to get people to serve him. If you fail to choose to serve God, you have chosen to serve the devil.” –p.155

“If you fail to choose to serve God, you have chosen to serve the devil.” –p.155

“Many sinners want to serve God and Satan…” –p.157

“I once knew You, and You were my Savior.” –p.159

“In fact, all those who know My Word and My ways and have heard the gospel but still will not repent are in rebellion against Me. Many are in hell today because of this sin.” –p.161

“I once thought about making You Lord of my life, but I did not want to walk Your straight and narrow way. I wanted the broad way. It was so much easier to serve sin. I did not want to have to be righteous.” –p.161

“Be ready to meet the Lord at all times…” –p.181

“Yes, I thought of many things I could have done to lead others to Christ and to help someone when they needed me. I repented of the things I had done and the things I had left undone.” –p.185

“Jesus said, “O foolish people and slow of heart, awaken to the truth, and love one another with fervent love.” –p.199

“Fear not what man can do to you, but fear him who can cast your soul and body into hell.” –p.203

“Give your whole life to Me, and I will keep you.” –p.210

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Book notes from, "A Divine Revelation of Hell" Part 2

More excerpts from the book.

“Men will become lovers of themselves instead of God.” –p.129-130

“”Repent,” He said, “for I am a jealous God. Nothing can be placed before your worship of Me—not sons or daughters or wives or husbands.” –p.130

“They were lovers of their own flesh more than lovers of God.” –p.136

“But they would not listen to Me. They wanted the lust of the flesh more than the love of the living God. Because I am holy, you must be holy.” –p.137

“O earth, My holy people have fallen asleep to the sound of false doctrine. Awake, Awake! I tell you that all unrighteousness is sin. Cleanse yourself from all sin of the flesh and the spirit.” –p.144

“If you will return and repent and if you will honor Me with the fruit of righteousness, I will bless your homes and honor your marriage beds. If you will humble yourselves and call upon Me, I will hear you and bless you.” –p.144

“Do you think that I am blind that I cannot see and deaf that I cannot hear?” –p.145

“If you will repent and be ashamed of your sins, I will have mercy and compassion on you, and I will not remember your sins anymore. Pray that you may be an overcomer.” –p.145

“Keep the marriage bed holy.” –p.146

“I will bless My little ones, those that have kept the faith and have served Me in truth and righteousness.” –p.149

“Sanctify a fast. Call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the lands into My house, and cry unto Me. Alas, for the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night—the day is at hand.” –p.150

“I want to be in this army, but I know I must be pure and holy as Jesus is pure and holy. By the blood Jesus shed, cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Help me to keep a repentant heart, free of all hatred and bitterness.” –p.151

“Father, I know that many of Your people are asleep. I fear You will have to break our vessels of clay and humble us if there are to be fruits of righteousness.” –p.151

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Book notes from, "A Divine Revelation from Hell" Part 1

Today I share some notes from a book I read several years ago. Baxter claimed to have had a vision where she was taken to hell. She recounts her findings here. Whether the vision is true or not, I don't care. That is not the point. What I care about is how these haunting excerpts assault the human soul. The soul which is entangled in a self-made web of sinful habits. Sinful habits which we know not of, because we know not of the Lord's holiness.

Excerpts from a Divine Revelation from Hell
Mary K. Baxter

“Even though I died on a cross for you, you mocked Me and would not repent of your sins.” –p.26

“The pleasures in life were more important to you than truth.” –p.43

“You went on your own way and evil was your lord. You knew the truth, but you would not repent or true back to Me.” –p.43

“You knew the way of the cross. You knew the way of righteousness. You knew to speak the truth. But Satan filled your heart with lies, and you went into sin. You should have repented with sincerity, not halfway.” –p.43

“You gave heed to seducing spirits and enjoyed your double life. You knew the straight and narrow way.” –p.51

“You played with God, and God knows all things.” –p.52…”You cannot serve Satan and God at the same time.” –p.52

“Come out from among them, and be separate.” –p.52

“If people could only see that the lusts and desires of the world are only for a season!” –p.57

“You were not sorry, nor were you ashamed of what you were doing.” –p.60

“If you are sinning, repent or you will likewise perish.” –p.69

“There is greater punishment for those who once preached the gospel and went back into sin, or for those who would not obey the call of God for their lives.” –p.70

“There was a time when he served Me with all his heart and led many people to salvation.” –p.71

“This was so difficult for me that I was sick many times during the preparing of this record.” –p.101

“We did as we pleased.” –p.115

“”Yes said Jesus, “servants that turned back after I called them. Servants who loved the world more than Me and went back to wallowing in the mire of sin. Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.” –p.124

Friday, October 12, 2007

A portion from, "Soren in the Flesh"

Since I've been writing the past couple of days I'd thought I'd keep posting on the book. This is from a pivotal chapter that started to take shape several months ago.

Was my lying since the very beginning scripted? Does the author know that I’m writing all this down? Well, wouldn’t that be convenient for you to know. I will tell you this, the author is a complete moron, and pretty unobservant that he doesn’t proof read and scratch all this out. Undoubtedably, if he did ever catch wind of my witty and quite brilliant additions I would be in deep shit. Him and I don’t really get along too well, can you tell? But if this actual part is meant to be in the script I just can’t tell you. What good is deception when it ceases to give you an adequate cloak? Therefore, I can’t tell you now. That would in part defeat my purposes of deception in the first place. I’m a human, and humans sure do love deception. But then again who’s to say that what is said now is the truth and just not another mirror employed by the author. Maybe I, Soren really do want to tell you, but the author forbids it. Maybe I really do hate deception, but the author forces me to deceive because he loves deception. Maybe I’m bound and gagged, and being held hostage against my will. Damn this author, he won’t allow me the right to speak. I wish the author would quite with all this deceptive nonsense. I guess you’ll never really know what you can trust. How many authors are there? Why all these confusing voices? What does it all mean? But then again even if you knew the truth from deception would you ever get around to doing anything about it? Now, that, that, that’s the point.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A portion from "Nasty Addiction"

This entry is for the hundreds, even perhaps thousands of dedicated people who read my blog. Here is a section from my hope to be published book, "Pointed Nails." The title of the chapter is called, "Nasty Addiction." Below is a portion. Feel free to share your thoughts.

The addict craves an emotional and experiential Christianity. It is a state that only happens when you work yourself into a tizzy, get lathered up in sweat and play make believe in your mind. This Christianity only lasts for a moment. Your drop from the high is as quick as the time it took you to reach the summit of the emotional euphoria. The summit experience tumbles back to earth when the crowd leaves. The art of following Jesus escapes you, because you are hell bent on chasing after the summit emotions and not the Christ. The heart craves the drugs. You know you need a Savior, you just don’t think you need it for your drugs. The heart craves the fantastical and the emotionalism. Like a mosquito, the sick Christian is infatuated with flying into the mesmerizing flickering buzzing light. When he reaches his destination he is zapped in an instant and falls back to earth. There is no life for the sick Christian but the cycle of valley and mountain top experiences. There is no Christ, there is only counterfeits perpetuated by our churches. We have replaced Jesus following with emotional mountain climbing experiences. When the songs stop, our Christianity stops.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A prayer

Walk with us today Lord,
Walk with us because you hold mercy,
Walk with us because you have grace,
Walk with us because you are faithful.

Come after us today Lord,
Come after us despite who we are,
Come after us because of who you are,
Come after us because you are faithful while we are faithless.

Make me into your image today Lord,
Cause me to be moved,
Cause this heart of stone to be broken for the lost,
Replace my dry and uncompassionate eyes with the weeping eyes of the Holy Spirit.

Transform me today Lord,
Cause me not leave your holy presence unchanged,
Drop the scales from my selfish eyes and help me to see others as your Son saw us.

Drop the scales Lord I pray,
Drop the scales from my eyes, my heart, and my mind,
Help me today Lord to see others and not myself.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


When a book carries a title like, "Knowledge of the Holy," I wonder if the title is somewhat bold in what it's attempting to bite off. But no time to get into that here. All I know is that I know nothing about The Holy.

A bit from Otto. Dread becomes worship; out of a confusion of inchoate emotions and bewildered palpitations of feeling grows religion, and out of ‘shudder’ a holy awe.

“A God comprehended is no God.” –Tersteegen

Monday, October 1, 2007

Glossy Books

There has been no less than an absolute explosion of Christian books and Christian book stores over the past two decades. But I pose this question, "Is the plethora of Christian literature now saturating the American Christian Evangelical Culture a good thing?"

I propose to answer this question with a cautious leaning towards "no, it is not a good thing." The reason for this negative response is my disappointment as to the content and focus of modern day Christian literature that has big sales. Simply pick up some pop Christian book written in the past few years and pick up something written by Tozer just a few years prior. The difference is big, and it is noticeable to any eye. Besides someone like a Piper, I'm afraid the caliber of writing that is read by the masses of Christians falls off dramatically fast. The most popular writers are not exegetes or theologians, but they are rather people who smile big, know the right people, and for whatever reason have automatic name recognition and a listening audience at the drop of a pin.

I have no problem with books being written for baby Christians, that are easy from time to time on the meaty substance. My beef is simply that with a majority of the stuff on our bookstores shelves now being fluff literature, we have either intentionally or unintentionally cultivated an American Evangelical Christian culture that now has no desire or ability to digest anything of substance. This is a reason for alarm and concern. Weak minds equal weak Christians.

With that I tip my hat today to Rudolph Otto. I do not agree with everything he says, but at least he says something. He and others have been my continued inspiration for my own work, which I continue to write entitled, "Pointed Nails." Although Christians will always disagree on issues, I always give credit to those who have enough balls to write something pointed and pressing. Otto coined a special term for the holy. He called it “awful mystery”. Otto spoke of the awfulness because of the fear the holy provokes in us. The holy fills us with a kind of dread. This concept stems from Otto's work, “The Idea of the Holy.”

Our God is not a god of fluff or gloss. Our God will give your conscience nightmares if you are mature enough to stomach it. May His Holy Name be forever revered.