Despite the fact that we are an evil people, You are still here.
Despite the fact that we try to make you a different God, You are still here.
Despite the fact that we will have nothing to do with You, You are still here.
Despite our hurtful thoughts that dwell deep within, despite the hurtful actions that are clearly seen by You, You are still here.
Although we fantasize that You would be different, You are still here.
Although we do not bid You the time of day, You are still here.
Although we blow You off, You are still here.
Despite our not so secret desires to change You into a God that suits our fancies, You are still here.
Despite countless days of rebellion, You are still here.
Despite all that we are, You are still here.
Although we repeatedly cast You out from our hearts, You are still here.
Although we have caused you endless pain, You are still here.
Although, although, although, despite, despite, despite, You are still here.
All of this, our entire lives, only proves how much more You are a God above us.
You are a God of holiness, and yet You are still here.
For some reason, You have decided to still be here.
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