I now work for Elmbrook Church in Brookfield Wisconsin in the college ministry.
So, how do I make this year more effective than my other years of ministry?
If there is one thing I want to do well this year, let it be to pray well. Because if I pray well, everything else can't be too far behind.
I know it is the case for me, and I suspect we all struggle at various times with the prayer issue as well. It's often a lot of talk about prayer, but then unfortunately little in the end. It all comes down to if we believe God hears, responds, and acts. I think so. I think the biblical characters believed so.
Does prayer mean anything? Does it impact anything? If God is going to be in this year of ministry, and anything worthwhile results from this year in ministry we all know that it is God who makes it happen. Reliance in God is everything, His hand in the ministry is everything. If God is not here, and our hearts aren't turned to Him, let's go home and not waste everybody's time.
But if God taught his people in Scripture that prayer is important, then let it be important for us as well. Our responsibility isn't to get bogged down in how the mystery of prayer works, it is simply to pray, and have faith that God's ear is still bent towards earth just as it was centuries ago. We can have faith that God acts as He is forever wise and always knows best. God loves to touch the human soul. God will still act, because God remains good. God loves college students too much, that if the people in ministry like myself allow a place for God in our lives, God will show up in the ministry.
In sum, I know that if I want to make something of this year, then nothing can ever replace a close heart to God through prayer.
Let us not attempt to put a straitjacket on God, and let us always continue to pray and live lives pleasing to our Lord.
I think you are right on. I've been thinking about some of these same things. I read something in Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, that talked about our responsibility being to pray and remembering that God is outside of time as we think of it. We don't know, and never will this side of heaven, how prayer works. But, may we learn to press on in prayer. That is something I have always struggled with, I hope we can both learn how to cultivate a stronger life of prayer.
I'll pray too Nick, especially for your ministry there. I can't promise how often I will, but I surely will. Keep sending in your news cause they are definitely good reminders for prayer!
My prayer life is embarassing, I am in awe that God still works with me despite of that fact.
Bless you Nick!
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