You are the King of Kings,
You are the Lord of Lords,
You reign majestically from the heavens above.
The cherubim shout holy, holy, holy.
From a distance we admire our majestic King. From a distance it is easy to call Jesus our treasure. But the distant God whose throne rests sovereignly over all of creation came down. He came down to see where our treasure truly lays. He came down to earth and lent a close ear to the human. Now I say, "You are my King," and the King talks back. He questions back what I say to Him and shatters my existence.
God from a distant doesn't talk back. God close up however is a whole other matter. God's holiness from a distance is a beautiful glorious thing. God's holy presence up close is a terrifying thing. A nice, tidy prayer praising the holy God soon becomes unraveled when a distant God chooses by His abundant grace to break the barriers to speak pointedly to address our sins, our very lives. The once high sounding prayers can now only be sputtered out by Peter's, flee from me Jesus, for I am a sinful man, or Isaiah's woe is me, I am undone.
When the distant God comes close, it's too close for comfort. Are you connected or distant to God today? What are you going to do about it?
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