What kind of work can a human offer God that can please Him? Nothing!
A human can't offer God anything like that. And yet many Christians, me included, guilty as charged, have tried to live the bulk of our lives trying to give works of service to God. Our works are filthy rags to Him. It's not that God throws our pretty little paintings that us children have labored so hard on down from His throne, but it is that we miss the point.
The point is union and communion with the Divine. It is what Sabbath rest is all about. A point from the garden experience in Genesis was about humankind living in union and communion with their Creator. The clay should be forever reflecting the Potter's hands. There is was a form and shape that we were forever designed to hold. We were designed to forever carry with us the presence and image of the Holy God.
How can we return to the garden of Eden and be connected with God once again? Enjoy His presence! Rejoice that the Shepherd has found His lost sheep. Rejoice by proclaiming the forgiveness of the One who came into the world. God did not become flesh to condemn the world, but that through Him, we might find relationship once again! The way that it was meant to be since the very beginning of time! Shout praise to our gracious Mediator, King Jesus, He has bridged the unimaginable gap filled by our sin. We were once far, but God has searched for us, and has brought us near! Oh shout to Him and be overwhelmed, for the Lord our God is good. Amen.
So what can we offer God? Certainly not our work. We cannot give Him anything, He needs nothing. What He desires is communion with us. We learn this from the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. Be intoxicated this day as you kneel before God in prayer to thank Him. Be intoxicated because of His goodness, and mercifulness, and graciousness, and, and, and, the list goes on and on. The thing God wants is us, standing in His presence, praising Him. Well, can you praise Him? I most certainly think you can! Then let us offer our praise! Let us sing, Blessed Be the Unblemished Lamb, He is our hope. He alone is the reason we have life. May God be your breath this Sabbath day.
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