Last night I challenged the youth group with the following message. It kicked off a sub-theme in the joy series, which is "joy in repentance." We are thinking through 3 major bread texts. Exodus 16:1-20, 31-35. Israelites in the Desert, and God provides bread. John 6:1-14. Feeding the 5,000. John 6:25-58. I am the bread of life.
We looked at the Exodus 16 manna text last night. Many things were said, but the killer point was found in Ex. 16:4, 16-20. In these verses each person should gather enough manna for that day, but not take anymore than they needed for that particular day! But did the Israelites listen? Of course not! They hoarded, and were greedy, and lacked trust in the Lord and the Lord's word to them. They kept some overnight, which of course became spoiled, was full of maggots and smelled. What does this mean to our audience today? Me, chillin' in America, what is the Lord's voice to me in this passage?
It's rather clear, zeroed in on this particular point what this means for me. The forest has broader richer theological messages, but this tree, this gaint redwood stands out. And it is this tree, which our greedy, hoarding, selfishly blinded American heart deserves to be nailed.
One extraction point follows. It means I am that Israelite. They are grumbling, complaining, and whining to God about there being no food, and the entire situation of leaving Eygpt (v.3, 7). God in his sovereign mercy and grace provides bread and responds kindly to their childish grumbling ungrateful attitudes. With food and provision provided by God everyday, still that was not enough for these sinful Israelites, and me, the sinful American.
I am the Israelite in the mirror, whining and grumbling about God's provision for me. IT'S NOT ENOUGH WE SCREAM! WE WANT MORE! WE HOARD MORE! GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME, MORE MORE MORE! The kicker with this is that their manna was ruined within a day. We today, can continue to gather and not be policed immediately about this sin like our Israelite counterparts were centuries ago. While their's became full of maggots, ours is still shiny, at least for a few years. Their manna was spoiled, but we, WE CAN CONTINUE TO ACCUMULATE! Will we police ourselves, or just feed our greed again today? FEED YOURSELF, OR GIVE OF YOURSELF? You decide. GATHER MORE THAN YOU NEED, OR GATHER ONLY WHAT YOU NEED? You decide. ARE YOU CHILLIN' WITH TOO MUCH JUST LIKE ME? What are you going to do about that today?
When we choose to follow Christ we have given up our rights. And yes, that even includes us being greedy, hoarding Americans, who keep too much for ourselves and give too little to our neighbor in need. God will provide for you what you need, He proved that with the manna He provided for the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. Be content with the Lord's provision for you today, and don't grasp for more, more, more. Lord have mercy on me.
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