Our cat Monty was sick, and was refusing to take his medicine. Even though it was good for him, Monty didn't care. He just knew it tasted yucky. Therefore he kicks and rebels against me, his caregiver, because he's stupid and doesn't know what's good for him.
In the same way, humans kick and rebel against their Heavenly Master (caregiver). We are short-sighted and are too blinded to see that the discipline and medicine of the Lord is ultimately good for us. We just think discipline hurts and it's yucky and nasty and fight it 24/7. If we were in tune however, we would see that the Lord is only trying to help us. But we are stubborn and desire our sins to persist, both against God and against fellow humanity.
Don't be stupid like Monty. Take the medicine your owner is providing. I saw my own sin, stubborness, stupidity, and short-sightedness in the cat today.
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