Friday, April 4, 2008

Beauty Redefined (Part 1)

I need to recapture the essence of beauty. Beauty is not the destruction of something sacred. Sadly, in our sinfulness we’ve fed ourselves lies calling the unholy beautiful. Ironically, humans now pursue the impure and call that beauty, and want nothing to do with the purely beautiful. We chase after beauty that isn’t intended to be ours, and in turn lose our innocence when we bite into the skin of the apple. We have stripped the proper boundaries and parameters from beauty and are left with a diffused oozing undefined beauty.

I have vainly chased after the wind and called that fulfilling. I need to rethink what it means to behold beauty. I need to see as if for the first time the beauty of our glorious Lord. I don’t need another lecture-ish type of sermon stating 10 things that beauty isn’t. I don’t need to hear about how our society has perverted beauty. I don’t need to hear another rant on our society’s insane twisting and distortion of beauty.

I just want to hear about beauty. I don’t want to hear about the tainted other side for a change. Just give me the beautiful side, and let us see beauty, raw beauty. I want to read about beauty. I want to write about beauty. I want my life to display beauty. I want to breathe beauty.

More to come…


Drew said...

bring it on...

Mindy said...

found ur blog thru brandons....this was great...inspiring...thanks!