Along the same vein of Pascal and further along in the history of philosophy, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche...the rest of the outworking flows from my corrupt and vile brain.
People do not even value, much less take charge of their own existence. Instead, they are filling their lives with various activities so as to divert their attention away from their own unfavorable attitude toward individual existence. Much of men's unhappiness arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber.
We cannot contemplate our existence because it is too unsettling to forever set our gaze on our poverty, feebleness, and mortal condition. Nothing can comfort the soul when one is unwilling to yield to the Savior. Well, that is to say, nothing can comfort besides of course worldly distractions. And who is to say world distractions isn't real sustaining comfort? Many roll through life clinging to this very type of comfort!
The Savior holds the magic potion but the human would rather writhe in pain, rather than to succumb to the idea that he himself is atrociously sinful. But if one ever did choose to focus on the horrors within oneself then one should be compelled, no, that's not strong enough, rather one should be driven by an insane madness to change whatever is necessary to end one's impoverished state. Until one is driven to madness one cannot bear to be humiliated and crucified next to the Savior. Only mad men pray prayers such as, "That I may know Christ and him crucified." It is madness to first realize one's deep sin. At this moment of awareness of one's own deep sin one is driven to madness. It is nothing short of maddening to realize you aren't the good you always imagined yourself to be.
You can seize worldly distractions or you can seize the cross and pray for new life. Many will die never owning their life. Many resolutely refuse to see the deep seated problems within. Own your life. Seize the life God intended, a life to be lived at the foot of the cross.
hey mate,
interesting thoughts. I am with you up to a point. I agree that you can't simply focus on what is not working in your life but where I get lost is that ultimate ultimate question... if we are all on earth as part of God's greater plan then what is our role? Why did God need to create us as individual's in order to achieve whatever he set out to achieve? If we all come from the same source and contain the same spirit then why am I different from you in the greater scheme of things? sorry for dropping in out of nowhere, I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks and thought i would drop by with a post,
In response to your ultimate question Westy, "if we are all on earth as part of God's greater plan then what is our role?"
Perhaps God set out to create a community. But His creation rebelled against His law of love and therefore was expelled from His presence. Community has broken, and Jesus came to restore that relationship. We exist today to be submissive servants, attentive to our Lord's voice.
The Holy Spirit who dwells inside every believer is the same, namely, the third member of the Holy Trinity. However, we are each unique individuals as well. Therefore, since each of us have unique gifts and personalities, God seeks to use each of us differently. Our specific roles are different in the grand scheme of things, but they are exist to bring glory to God. We are each equally as important in God's master plan, however are job descriptions as His servants differ significantly from one human to another.
Hope that begins to address some of the thoughts you raised. Thanks for your continued reading!
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