Thursday, April 12, 2007


There is a thing that runners call "RFP" when competing in ultramarathons. I think that the physical and mental demands of running long spills over into the rest of life which can be used quite easily. RFP is relentless forward progress and I think it is something which I can remember as I move through these last difficult weeks of graduate school. As long as you're moving forward, you're successful no matter how you're looking.

Life is about training the body and the mind.


kevin schwartz said...

Just a couple more weeks, my man. You'll make it, we'll all make it.

Myrto Theocharous said...

Hey Nick! This IS the great tribulation. Persevere! (as Beale would say). If it makes you feel better, I am just starting to look at my Hebrew vocabulary now. And, if we are all bad then the standard of grading will drop, so let's all unite in poor performance!!!
I was at the theology conference this afternoon when Christine Pohl spoke on hospitality to the poor, it just puts all things into perspective, we'll look back at exams and laugh someday.