Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Being used by God at the dinner table

In Luke 15 Jesus is at a table eating with the “unacceptable” people. Will you join Jesus this year and eat with the students outside the religious circles? Maybe you often eat with Christian friends. This year will you take one meal a week or every other week, and eat at a table in your school cafeteria with an unfamiliar face? Search for an unfamiliar face, and ask if you can sit with them and share a meal with them. If good conversation develops, set a time convenient for the both of you and eat together again. See where God wants to take it. By getting to know more of the student population you’re saying ‘yes’ to the possibility of being used by God in significant ways. As you go about building relationships with fresh faces God may wish to use you, bless you, give you joy, and give you an opportunity to tell another student about our great God. Is our God great enough to tell other students about Him?

If it is daunting to approach an individual or group of people by yourself, bring another Christian friend along. This way you can embark on this journey of sitting at a table of fresh faces together. Who knows, maybe God wants to give you both an opportunity to partake in His kingdom work. How wonderful would that be!?!

Pray for opportunities, and be bold and step out when they present themselves.

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