Monday, September 24, 2007

Outreach Ideas

Here is a short brainstorm of outreach ideas that can be incorporated into many campus settings.

o Eating with new faces once a week
o Introduce yourself to everyone on the floor
o Invite new faces to social events
o Invite your floor people to dinner at the café when you go
o Make dinner for the people on your floor
o Have board game night on floor lounge on weekends and go door to door on the floor inviting people
o Door to door taking out people’s trash (introducing yourself and small chit chat with people when appropriate)
o conduct spiritual interest surveys
o Sit down by new people during classes (Maybe on the 3rd day sitting by the new person strike up a conversation about student groups or orgs. I go to the Ave which is a College Ministry, and you’re more than welcome to come along and I can introduce you to some people there.)

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