Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Promotional Ideas

Here are some ideas that can work on your campus to advertise, promote, and get the word out about a Christian ministry.

o flyers/small promotion slips in student mailboxes
o mass campus email through the student life email system if orgs list their upcoming events along with other random campus announcements
o campus online calendar
o School calendar organizer/planner sold at bookstore, see if a few key events can be put in there
o advertisement on the local campus T.V. station
o School newspaper ads
o posters and banners of various sizes. Around campus in academic buildings, on student dorm doors who are members of the collegiate ministries, in dorms (given to RA’s to hang up on their floors), large banner at booths outside cafĂ© or high traffic areas in academic buildings
o table tents
o side walk chalk
o chalk board classrooms (ask for permission 1st)
o Quark Board- generate discussion on campus for various topics

I think it goes without saying that students need to make sure methods of advertising are permissible on their particular campuses.

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