Wednesday, January 23, 2008

God's Presence

Spurred by Jonah 2. God's continued presence with Jonah despite Jonah's rebellious heart.

God's Presence
We thank you for your presence
We've said it many times before
The words roll off our tongues
We barely have to think about them anymore
The words are repetitious from times past

But when we are honest today
When we recall how we felt yesterday
When we remember where we were last week

We realize in times of reflection we are not always thankful for your presence
Sure, we can say it in our Sunday finest
But when ugly Monday comes again, we leave our holy disposition behind

Today we seek to be more honest with you
Today we want to be more honest with ourselves
Today we ask for forgiveness

The truth isn't that are simply forgetful to stop and thank you for your presence
No, that truth isn't such a horrid gasping admission of sin
It's rather that we don't want you present with us

So today, it isn't really a wholehearted prayer to thank you for your presence
Today, we repent and say we are wrong for running from your presence

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