Saturday, January 12, 2008

You Should Listen too...

One of the most gifted communicators I've ever heard. Entertaining, inspirational, informational, you name it, he had it. Sir Ken Robinson talks on nurturing creativity.

I've heard people talk about his book...but I know very little about this man and his material. My only real encounter with Rick Warren is right here, presenting at the TED conference. Good message here, I cannot comment on anything else of his. May our money, influence, and position be used to help others! Fantastic message, appeals to both Christian and non-Christian audience base.


Luke S said...

...thanks man, two really good clips, especially the first about creativity and education. he truly is a gifted communicator...

ps. i really enjoy your blog, even at 3.30am

Nick Seipel said...

I used to do my best thinking at 3:30am!! Now, I'm the early-riser sort.

I agree, Robinson is spot on in addressing audiences. This guy is an absolute clinic that everyone who wishes to speak should watch.