Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rock your face off!!!

In grad school I had a friend named Lisa, and her saying was, "God rocks my face off." Now for some reason to hear an M.A. Biblical Exegesis student say that stood out. That certainly didn't belong at Wheaton and certainly not in our program. IT WAS THE PROGRAM THAT ROCKED MY FACE OFF. haha. This wasn't some High Schooler saying, "Jesus is my boyfriend." Gag, gag, barf. This was an intellectual saying, "Jesus rocks!" In fact, God must rock Lisa's world so hard that He rocks her face off from time to time.

Sit and reflect today, and may your Maker blow you away, and yes.....rock your face off.

love always.....serve rigorously.....wrestle with yourself until your exhausted....listen to God with fierce intensity.......bask in the mercy and profound patience of our Maker....let His peace heal you.

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